All NSW government sector agencies have a duty of care to ensure the health and safety of employees, this includes inclusive and respectful work environments. Effective workplace adjustments are an important enabler for people with disability
Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, workplaces must provide workplace adjustments if requested. The Act provides an exception if the cost or difficulties of providing access will place an unjustifiable hardship on a person or organisation. You can find out more about unjustifiable hardship by reading the Australian Human Rights Commission's online guide.
Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW), organisations need to ensure that their workplace is healthy and safe. This includes managing risks and potential risks to the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees. Work Health and Safety legislation does not override disability anti-discrimination legislative responsibilities. Agencies need to manage both legal responsibilities.
Workplace adjustments policy Direction
On 25 November 2024 the NSW Public Service Commissioner issued a Direction requiring all NSW Government Sector agencies to implement a workplace adjustments policy by 1 November 2025.
Workplace adjustments model policy
We have developed a model workplace adjustments policy to help agencies create an effective system that encourages workplace adjustments and enables full participation in the workplace.
The policy was developed in response to recommendations made by a sector-wide Disability Employment Review which identified barriers to disability employment.
The model policy:
- ensures that best practice guiding principles are incorporated into your processes
- positions NSW government as a leader in this space and aligns with our commitment to providing safe, inclusive and respectful work environments
- helps us to attract and retain the best talent, drive better performance across the sector, accelerate our diversity and inclusion efforts, and enhance innovation
- meets the minimum standards required under the workplace adjustments policy Direction
Workplace adjustments model policy
You can adopt the model policy in its entirety or use it as a template for your own policy and tailor it to suit your agency’s needs and context.
Implementation resources
Use these resources to guide you in implementing a workplace adjustments policy.
Fact sheets
Use these factsheets to help you implement a workplace adjustments policy that meets the direction.
- Flexible working and workplace adjustments
- Inherent requirements and workplace adjustments
- Unjustifiable hardship and workplace adjustments
- Moving between roles and workplace adjustments
- Injury management and workplace adjustments
Conversation guide
Use this guide to have productive and respectful conversations about workplace adjustments requirements.
Easy Read
Easy Read versions of the workplace adjustments policy Direction and model policy are available:
Supporting workplace adjustments
- Asking for adjustments
Information on the types of workplace adjustments available to people with disability.
- Recruitment adjustments
Use these resources to help modify and adjust the recruitment process to be inclusive of staff with disability.
- Funding for adjustments
Information on the funding options available for workplace adjustments.