A NSW Government website
Public Service Commission

Employee value proposition

Across NSW Government we want to be an employer of choice, attracting and retaining the best talent. 

You can use the public service employee value proposition to attract and retain committed employees for your agency.

What is an EVP

An employee value proposition (EVP) brings together the wants and needs of individuals with those of the employer. It is an opportunity for the employer to communicate their unique offering.

The NSW public sector needs to clearly and consistently articulate our value as an employer of choice so we can:

  • attract and retain the best talent
  • deliver outcomes for NSW now and into the future 
  • inspire excellence in the delivery of public services to the NSW community.

When to use the EVP

The NSW public service EVP is not mandated but its use is encouraged for talent attraction/recruitment campaigns and internal engagement activities. 

The EVP is flexible and can be used in combination with your existing agency EVP or as a guide to help you develop an agency EVP. 

For your future state – core proposition

The public service core proposition is For your future state. It expresses the unique value employees get when working for the sector, bringing together the individual benefits of professionalism and the collective offer of altruism through working with NSW communities. 

Working in public service is the opportunity to improve the future state – of an individual’s career as well as the future state of the community.

Research shows that a contemporary public service workforce wants to find purpose and pride in their work through individual pursuit and collaborating to achieve positive impacts in local communities. Our EVP provides a vision for how that can connect into that goal working in the NSW public sector. 

Four pillars of the NSW public sector EVP

The four pillars are the building blocks of our EVP and ladder up to the proposition of For your future state. Each of the pillars is something to aspire to and be inspired by. 

You can use the ideas and words of the pillars as part of your EVP communications, reflecting them through messaging and imagery. More information on how to do this is available in the EVP Guidelines.

Pride in purpose

• Life in NSW, its people and communities, is at the centre of every role. Every task. Every day.

• To be of service. To advance the state of NSW, is a privilege. 

• A shared knowledge that everyday interactions add up, or trickle down, to a better tomorrow for life in NSW. 

• To make a direct and shared contribution, impact, and difference. 

• Enriching the collective future is top-line. Not the bottom line. 

Opportunity at scale

• Public service is the promise of a career. A profession. Within the widest of respected chosen fields. Today’s and tomorrow’s. 

• The opportunity to make a positive difference for both NSW and individual pursuits.

• A culture of visibility, mobility and support within Australia’s largest employer, brings opportunity and security.

• Skills development, competency frameworks, secondments, establish and advance career progression. Inside or out.

A supportive culture

• Working in the public service carries responsibility – to care for NSW, each other, and yourself. 

• Work-life needn’t be a trade-off. One at the expense of the other. 

• Both can bring satisfaction. 

• Positively impacting NSW’s quality of life, within a flexible and understanding work environment, positively impacts your own.

• Work-life wellness is paramount. To improve. Stand out. Not burn out.

Real-life ambition

• We have a mindset and history of looking forward. Of positive thinking, actions, and outcomes. We reflect the modern – eclectic and dynamic – society we serve.

• We are a diverse workforce, in our thinking, our people and approach. We have difference in common. 

• We are aspirational, taking inspiration from the brightest minds among us and the world outside. 

• We are flexible and understanding, inclusive and considerate of how real-life’s demands dovetail with our shared ambitions and expectations.