Establish purpose and direction
- Setting performance objectives and standards
This guide will help you to develop SMART goals and measures to give clear direction to your team and measure progress accurately.
- Create a team purpose statement
This template will help you plan a session with your team to explore your team’s purpose and how it contributes to the agency’s purpose.
- Set goals and define measures
This activity guides you through a process to engage your team to set your team goals, define measures of success and develop an action plan to deliver on your goals.
- Develop a team plan
This activity guides you through a process to develop a team plan to execute team goals.
- Create a TA-DA list with your team
Use this session guide to create a ‘TA-DA list’, a creative activity in which you celebrate what you’ve achieved as a team over the last period.
- Our team plan
Use this template to develop a one-page summary of your team purpose and goals.
- Progress recap
Use this session guide with your team to create a list of important accomplishments and what enabled them.
- Group reflection
Use this guide to reflect as a group on the team's accomplishments.
- Behaving ethically
This manual provides you with useful guidance on ethical behaviour as a NSW public sector employee.
- Senior executive fundamentals
This resource provides new and aspiring senior executives with information on a broad range of matters including the Premier’s Priorities, the ethical framework, inter-government relations, NSW legislative framework, policy development, dealing with the m
Plan and organise resources
- Work plan tool
Use this tool to assess if you and your team are spending your time on activities that support your organisation's priorities and goals.
- Urgent/Important matrix
The Urgent / Important matrix can help you prioritise and delegate more effectively by categorising your activities.
- Skill/Will Matrix
The Skill / Will matrix can help you delegate more effectively by comparing willingness to perform a task to the degree of skill employees have to perform the task well.
- RACI model
Use this template to create role clarity for your team.
- Providing feedback to unsuccessful job applicants
This guide provides you with tips on giving feedback to candidates in the recruitment process.
- Assignments, transfers and secondments
Access this for guidance on employee transfers and secondments between government sector agencies or other relevant bodies.
- The NSW Public Sector Capability Framework
A foundational tool that supports the public sector to attract, recruit, develop and retain a responsive and capable workforce.
- Capability Framework user guides
These User Guides will help you to use the Capability Framework as a tool in your daily work and build capable employees who achieve business outcomes.
Manage and develop people
- Feedback in challenging situations
Use those quick quidelines for successfully giving feedback in challenging situations.
- Coaching conversations practice tool
Use this practice tool to prepare, practice and review your coaching conversation by applying the GROW model.
- Crucial conversations planning tool
To help you plan for crucial conversations, use this planning tool for a list of questions you should consider.
- Positive and productive workplaces guidelines
Use these guidelines to prevent, identify and respond to workplace bullying.
- Disability employment
Learn about the employment of people with disability in the sector and how to participate in the age of inclusion.
- Promoting gender equity in the workplace
Watch this short video on five ways to encourage gender equity in the workplace.
- Case study: using behavioural insights to increase application rates of women for senior roles
Explore findings from interventions led by the Behavioural Insights Unit to increase the likelihood of women reapplying for senior roles in the NSW public sector.
- Insights from senior leaders
Watch this video on how current senior leaders are working to break down barriers preventing women from becoming senior leaders.
- Be an inclusive leader
Access these resources to learn how you can create an inclusive workplace.
- Upholding the Rights of Older Workers training
This e-learning module is designed to provide you with an understanding of how you can build and maintain productive multigenerational workplaces, where employees of all ages are respected and valued.
Lead through change
- High-level stakeholder plan for change
Use this template to develop a plan for anticipating and managing the reactions of different stakeholder groups to change.
- Case for change tool
Use this tool to craft a compelling narrative to communicate to your team and other stakeholders that addresses their concerns and increases their trust and openness for change.
- Assess your team's change readiness
Use this guide to assess your team's level of change readiness.
- Communication plan
Use this template to develop a communications plan to list and prioritise who, how and what to communicate to about your key messages
- Overcoming common challenges when leading through change
This guide describes common challenges that managers face when they lead through change and provides useful tips to solve them.
- Progressing diversity and inclusion
This paper discusses what diversity and inclusion means for the NSW public sector and why it's important.
- Workforce transition
These policies and information provide you with guidance on managing staff through organisational changes, including redundancy.