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Public Service Commission

Aboriginal Career and Leadership Development Programs (ACLDP)

This program offers networking, career and leadership development opportunities for high potential and high performing NSW public sector leaders who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

ACLDP participants take part in cross sector collaboration and are supported in their roles as leaders who make a positive impact for the people of NSW. 


  • builds capability in line with the NSW Public Sector Leadership Framework and public sector values
  • increases capacity to navigate complexities and solve cross agency problems
    nurtures connection to enable diverse perspectives, knowledge sharing and establishing cross
  • sector support networks
  • provides a cultural lens on leadership models  
  • provides a culturally safe space to discuss the unique challenges and opportunities of being an Aboriginal leader in the NSW Public service.

Program outline

Each program consists of 5 key program elements to support participants through their learning experience. 

Throughout the program, participants will be supported by an  Elder in Residence from the Gadigal Nation.

Five key program elements

Self-assessment process

The self-assessment will provide feedback from managers, peers and direct reports highlighting strengths and opportunities for development.


Contemporary leadership development workshops delivered face-to-face by the NSW Leadership Academy faculty.

Leadership journal

Creating your development plan, determining your development goals and reflecting on your learning.


Coaching is central to getting the most out of the self-assessment and development plan.

Peer groups

Peer groups will nurture connection, enable cross-sector collaboration, and build networking capability.

Participant commitment

To successfully complete the program, participants need a minimum completion rate of 80% across all program elements including attendance at workshops, self-assessments and debriefs, coaching sessions. 

  • 50 hours to attend all the program workshops and coaching sessions
  • 3-4 hours of preparation work exploring pre-reading, looking at digital resources, thinking about development goals and reflecting on learning. 

The Aboriginal Career and Leadership Development programs

Emerging leaders – Grade 7/8

This program is for aspiring people managers. It aims to develop your communication, negotiation, and people management skills.

You can expect to:

  • develop capabilities in resilience, communicating effectively, networking, and managing self, among others
  • tackle a real-world individual leadership challenge with support from your peers and facilitators
  • learn current evidence-based leadership qualities
  • learn strategies to centre Aboriginality in your workplace practice
  • be guided by senior Aboriginal leaders and facilitators to identify your current strengths and plan your future development
  • learn strategies to navigate cross-sector processes and ways of working
  • connect with mob and build your networks of peers, supporters and mentors
  • hear valuable insights from senior Aboriginal sector leaders.
Empowering leaders – Grade 9/10

This program is for current people managers. It aims to develop your people management skills and has a strong focus on the intersection of Aboriginal leadership and public sector leadership.

You can expect to:

  • develop capabilities in effective communication, problem-solving, collaboration, and conflict management, among others
  • tackle real-world leadership challenges in small peer groups
  • implement current evidence-based leadership qualities 
  • learn strategies to centre Aboriginality in your workplace practice, implementing current evidence-based leadership qualities
  • be guided by senior Aboriginal leaders and facilitators to apply an Aboriginal lens on the workplace
  • connect with mob and strengthen your networks of peers, supporters and mentors
  • hear valuable insights from senior Aboriginal sector leaders.
Leading leaders – Grade 11/12

This program is designed to help prepare you for your next career move into a senior leadership position. It aims to enhance your capabilities as public sector stewards.You can expect to:

  • develop capabilities in systems thinking, collaborating across the sector, navigating complexity, and strategic planning, among others
  • tackle real-world leadership challenges within the VUCA framework
  • develop strategies to centre Aboriginality in your leadership practice
  • implement current evidence-based leadership qualities
  • be guided by senior Aboriginal leaders and facilitators to apply an Aboriginal lens on the workplace
  • connect with mob and strengthen your networks of peers, supporters and mentors
  • hear valuable insights from senior Aboriginal sector leaders.


Our ACLDP programs are open to high potential Aboriginal employees in Grades 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12 (or equivalent). Eligible nominees must be employed in an ongoing role. 

You do not need to be in an Aboriginal-identified role to participate in the ACLDP.

Selection to NSW Leadership Academy programs is by nomination in line with each agency talent review process. For more information, refer to the Nominations page.