A NSW Government website
Public Service Commission

Contact us

Are we the correct agency to help with your enquiry? We often receive enquiries that need to be directed to other government agencies. 

For any enquiries related to conditions of employment, leave or allowances please contact NSW Industrial Relations

If you have a complaint or enquiry about another NSW Government agency, please get in contact with them directly.Visit the NSW Government directory for contact details.

If you have a question or complaint about your own agency’s internal policies and procedures, please contact your internal Human Resources team.

For enquiries relating to the work of the PSC, use the form below and we will respond within 2 business days.  If you need to get in touch with a member of our team please call 02 9272 6000. 

Privacy collection notice 

This information will only be used for the purpose of dealing with your enquiry, and for directly related actions that arise from that request, or for an additional purpose with your consent. 

Please read the privacy collection notice for more information about how we will handle your information. 

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About us

If you are unsure if the PSC can help you learn more about our programs and services.

About us

NSW Public Service Commission

GPO Box 3988
Sydney NSW 2001 

Level 4
255 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000