The Capability Framework Stocktake Project explored the perspectives of agency Human Resources Professionals and Line Managers on the content, structure and use of the Framework, and researched emerging capability needs through consultation with sector sp
The State of the NSW Public Sector Agency Survey assesses the impact that workforce and organisational practices are having on the NSW public sector, including those reforms enabled by the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 (NSW) (GSE Act).
A review of the recruitment and mobility reforms introduced by the Government Sector Employment Act 2013.
This report takes stock of progress, challenges and opportunities and maps out ways to collectively optimise and integrate the use of GSE settings throughout the sector.
This Review focuses on collaboration in the Human Services sector. Since 2013, the drivers for collaboration in this sector to improve customer, delivery and community outcomes have been given fresh impetus by the Government’s commissioning and contestabi
This 2014 publication details research commissioned by the PSC Advisory Board that will enable NSW public sector agencies to improve productivity, and the measurement of customer satisfaction and take a more collaborative approach to the way they provide
In 2012, the Commission engaged the St James Ethics Centre to conduct a stocktake of ethics issues, policies and control systems in NSW public sector agencies. The purpose of the work was twofold - to provide baseline information, against which future tre